The Three Sisters Bar And Hotel
The Three Sisters Bar And Hotel
Questions to get your group talking
1. I think “historical fiction” is most vibrant when we are at a point in time where reconsideration becomes essential. Something huge is changing, or must change. Why do you think I chose to write this book at this time?
2. The novel is full of newcomers, immigrants. What did these particular newcomers — Herbie Wishart, Gwen, the miners—find in Gateway? What did they do with it? How did it change them? and how were the Rockies changed by them? What are the dynamics amongst the different groups?
3. A move to the mountains brings on a transformation of character. Who is changed the most? I think Gwen. Why? From what to what?
4. Unlikely marriages: these are one of the characteristics of a place like Gateway, where, all of a sudden, folks rush in from all different origins and backgrounds. I have been fascinated by unlikely marriages — for instance, Herbie and Gwen’s. Nothing much in common. How do they work it out? What are the long term results?
5. Long Lance: he’s one of just two “real-life” characters, the other being Mary de la Beche Nicol. There are many ironies of the indigenous people at the time he lived. Is he a tragic character, or a charlatan?
6. Maps: there are all kinds of maps in the novel, both old and new. How do they change the land?
What do you think?
Email [email protected] and have your say.
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